This week I will continue to write about fear and sadness. Thus, existentialists see fear and anxiety as a part of our existence, which can overwhelm or strengthen us. It is true, 'what does not kill you, makes you stronger'. However, Kierkegaard (1844-1980) saw anxiety as a product of our freedom. It is an interesting observation, but putting responsibility for sadness and fear on our fundamental right to liberty is tricky.
Moreover, Kierkegaard claims that we suffer due to our thinking and analysing nature, and if we did not do that, then we would not suffer. Also, our mood is linked to our circumstances at a given moment. Definitively, situations impact how we feel; however, blaming humans' ability to think and analyse is not suitable as the ability to think and analyse differentiates us from other animals. If we cannot think logically, abstractly, and philosophically, we are nothing more than another species of animals. Still, humans are above animals. We can ask questions about the purpose of our existence and who we are and search for a deeper meaning.
Heidegger sees our existence as a period from birth to death in which we make free choices. Also, we are aware of our own limits and mortality during our existence. This awareness of personal mortality and limitations is the cause of anxiety which creates defensive impulses like; 'I'm special' or 'ultimate resource', even under the spell of the illusion that we are immune to the inevitable death. Thus we leave our life like we would be staying here eternally. It is untrue; now, one will take anything to the other side. Yet, we focus on acquiring as much as possible during life.
Yes, we have free will, yes, we are aware of our limits and mortality, at least to some extent, and yes, we tend to think that we are unique, but how does all of this relationship explain the existential crisis and how does it help to resolve the existential crisis? We have to dig deeper.
Another point is how anxiety influences us. It is personal, as one person can be energised and motivated by anxiety, and another can feel overwhelmed. Still, your response to anxiety indicates what matters to you in life, and this is crucial to be identified by a therapist. Therefore, if your therapist knows what matters for you, they can guide you correctly to learn how to deal with and overcome anxiety.
Sadness is another emotion that we all experience in life. According to Minkowski (1933-1970), when we are depressed, we do not see the future, hold on to an existential guilty past, and see the present as worthless. The approach to get you out of the dark hole by existential therapists is to help you recognise and accept your potential and teach you how to utilise it. The idea is that by focusing on the present and future while keeping relationships with those people and objects from the past, you try to find a way to go through the existential crisis via therapy that brings you a new meaning and solution to problems in your life. If existential therapy helps you, that's great, but if not, there are other therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Humanistic Therapy and Mindfulness. We are all different and going through different life phases, so one therapy may be good for you but a different one for me. Existential therapy may work wonders for you at a given time, while it may not be so helpful at another time, place, and circumstance. Thus at different times, Mindfulness may work better for you. The idea is to seek help when you need it and find the best one that suits your needs at a given moment.
Do not be afraid to seek helps when you need it and do not suffer in isolation.
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